Facebook, Instagram na Whatsapp kusitisha kutoa huduma nchini Uganda, kupinga sheria ya kuzuia ushoga

Ikiwi ni siku chache baada ya Rais Yoweri Museveni wa Uganda kusaini muswaada wa sheria ya kupinga ushoga nchini humo, kampuni ya Facebook imetangaza uwezekano wa kusitisha huduma zake nchini Uganda kama njia ya kupinga uamuzi huo ambao wamedai kuwa unakiuka haki za baadhi ya watu.

Taarifa iliyotolewa na kampuni hiyo inasema kuwa, Facebook ilianzishwa kusupport haki za binadamu kwa kuwapa nafasi watu wote ya kujielezea kwa uhuru, hivyo wanasikitishwa kujua kwamba Uganda kama nchi imesaini muswaada wa sheria ya kupinga ushoga.

Taarifa hiyo inaendelea kusema Facebook kwa sasa inatazama upya juu ya kujihusisha kwake kutoa huduma nchini Uganda, na kuongeza kuwa kusitisha kutoa huduma zake za Facebook, Instagram na Whatsapp nchini humo kwa muda watakaoona unafaa, ni moja ya hatua wanayofikiria kuchukua kama njia ya kuonesha kutoridhishwa kwao na uamuzi huo.

Isome taarifa hiyo:


When we launched Facebook, we thought it as a platform to advance people’s rights and liberties of self expression in all form. We were equally shocked to learn that Uganda as a country had gone ahead to sign the Anti Homosexuality bill into a law.
Facebook is currently reviewing its engagement to Uganda, as we seek to come up with a voice to express our dissatisfaction. And of course, suspending our operations in Uganda is one of the options we are considering. In the event that we suspend operations in Uganda, our platforms of Instagram, Facebook and Whatsapp will be off for a time we shall deem necessary.
We strongly condemn the act of the Ugandan Government to overstep the rights of a minority. All humans are created equal and deserve a right to freedom and happiness.
Sheryl Kara Sandberg
Chief Operations Officer (COO) At Facebook
Mmoja wa wamiliki wenza wa Facebook, Chris Hughes ni shoga na aliolewa na June 30, 2012 na mwanaume mwenzake, Sean Eldridge.

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