5 important traits of good husband material

Your marriage can be the most beautiful thing to ever happen to you but only if you go into it knowing exactly why you are getting into it in the first place. There are marriages that are very successful and while it takes both parties to play their role, your partner choice really matters. Often you will ask a girl to describe her ideal man and you will be likely to hear something about looks (height, complexion etc) and financial statuses. While these are ok things to look for in a man (after all sometimes the heart wants what it wants) they will not make your marriage work!

Judging by the number of divorces and separations growing by the day it is clear that most marriages are not working. Not to be discouraged though there’s a guide to picking a man whose traits will indeed shape your marriage. So if you have a serious boyfriend, do confirm if he has any of the qualities below. Confirm whether:

He is a believer

Give up? Not this guy…he is the tools man with enough hope to cater for a village. In the future, if your relationship seems like it’s losing the sparks he will be there with his tools to fix things. This guy believes in his God and he believes that all things are possible if you believe. He always believes that there will be a brighter tomorrow. He is a fighter and he fights for what is right for both of you. He will never give up on you or your marriage because he believes everything in this life is fixable. His faith gets him through the day and gets him through everything. When he believes in something he goes into it with his whole being and this always works in his favor. The best part about this guy is that he shares his good qualities not just with you as his wife but with everybody else and good morals he does have.

He is a provider

When you get married you are starting a new life with somebody else with the very likely possibility of adding a few other people in your family who will have to be under your care whether you like it or not. There comes a time in marriage though when you may hit a block and may not be able to provide like you used to and when this time comes your man will unleash his natural-born provider self which will help solve problems much faster and everyone survives. I mean this is the kind of guy that will put his family’s needs before his and he wouldn’t mind going that extra mile to provide for your needs and those of his offspring because he knows it’s his job.

He is a critical thinker

In marriage you will always need a team player as your partner as he will always stand by what you believe in. When those rough times come you will need someone to take the wheel and think smart on the best possible solution. The critical thinker does not like defeat and if that ever happens he will have given it a proper fight. Those times when you will require an extra brain to help you think, he will try as much as possible to take your half of the problem and help solve the bloody equation. A critical thinker has some patience about him and he will always look for the best possible solution for the problem.

He is a rock

This guy is so dedicated to his marriage and when it comes to his family and his relationship with his wife he becomes twice the man. He will make it his duty to have strength for two and therefore just him alone will always provide you with the support system that you need in life. Life together will be smoother. He will always keep strong and make sure the strength rubs off on you and he will always want to maintain the strength enough for the two of you. He will be your friend always and will always give you an audience. His shoulder will be always available for you.

He is a free spirit

Si life has to be lived? This guy lives it and knows how it is done. He enjoys it. Stress is not in his vocabulary and he is very positive about life in general and you definitely want this kind of spirit by your side at all times. This chap never wastes time and energy worrying and thinking of things that will never happen. He is realistic. I mean he is in love with life. He does what he loves to do and he does it with a passion. He even probably loves his job. His happiness is infectious. Each new day to him presents another 24 hours to live and do the things he loves and if he loves you then he will always look forward to the next day so that he can love you a little bit more. You had a bad day at work? Quick quick he will brighten your moods in a jiffy. Your marriage will be full of laughter, life, smiles and happy times. And boredom will be nowhere near your home.
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