UN Resident Coordinator of Tanzania Dr. Alberic Kacou giving out a speech during the Annually Ministerial Review, Regional Preparatory Meeting for Africa on “Innovation as Enabler for the Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and Sustainable Development where he said technological advancements could be a critical way forward to face the new development challenges in the Post 2015 period.He added that this would also mean that we need to have innovative approaches to technology transfer, sharing knowledge and making use of them for the welfare of majority of global citizens.( All Photos by Zainul Mzige of Dewji Blog)

Director General of World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Dr. Francis Gurry giving out a statement during the opening of Regional Preparatory Meeting for Africa on “Innovation as Enabler for the Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and Sustainable Development that any discussion on science, technology and innovation must consider the role played by intellectual property (IP) stressing that IP is an indispensable mechanism for translating knowledge into commercial assets, noting “IP rights create a secure environment for investment in innovation and provide a legal framework for trading intellectual assets.
Sixty-ninth President of the Economic and Social Council His Excellency Mr. Nestor Osorio during one of the sessions of the the Annually Ministerial Review, Regional Preparatory Meeting for Africa on “Innovation as Enabler for the Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and Sustainable Development who said Innovation is the essence of our modern society. Without harnessing its power, we will not be able to create healthy, educated or inclusive societies.
United Nation Under- Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs Mr. Wu Hongbo, One of the speakers who elaborate concepts in the Annually Ministerial Review, Regional Preparatory Meeting for Africa on “Innovation as Enabler for the Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and Sustainable Development.
WIPO Member Staff.
Director General of the National Institute for Medical Research in Tanzania Dr. Mwele Malecela.
Some of Participants during the preparation of the Ministerial Review of the UN Economic and Social Council, which will take place in Geneva from 1 to 4 July 2013 held today in Dar es Salaam at the Hyatt Regency Kilimanjaro Hotel.
Tanzania Delegation including Acting CEO of Brella Ms. Leonilaa Kishebuka (centre) during the Meeting.
Resident Coordinator Office’s UN Tanzania Communication Team during the meeting.
UN Resident Coordinator of Tanzania Dr. Alberic Kacou share a word with One of the Minister who attend the 2013 ECOSOC Annual Ministerial Review.
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