Lulu aamini tena Mapenzi!, Ni Baada ya Mastaa hawa kuachana

Kama uliumizwa au kushangazwa na kuachana kwa Jason Derulo na Jordin Sparks, basi hauko peke yake.

Elizabeth Michael aka Lulu, ni mmoja wa watu waliomuizwa na kuvunjika kwa uhusiano wa wanamuziki hao wa Marekani ambao kwa wengi walionekana kupenda sana. “Guys u broke my heart too, I dnt believe in love n relations anymore, Ths pipo wr sooo in love…wat happened..!!?,” aliandika Lulu kwenye picha ya wapenzi hao aliyoiweka kwenye Instagram.

Wakati ambapo Jordin Sparks bado hajazungumza chochote kuhusu taarifa za kuachana kwao, muimbaji huyo wa ‘Wiggle’ amezungumza tena kukanusha tetesi kuwa alimsaliti mpenzi wake.

“Though I think it is a private matter and intended to keep my break-up Jordin personal, due to bogus and irresponsible lies being reported by insensitive media outlets it became necessary for me to comment,” Jason aliiambia ABC News Sept. 26.

“I spent three great years with Jordin and she is one of the most amazing people that I have ever met. But as in all relationships there are ups and downs and at this time we have decided to amicably part,” he said, echoing an earlier statement he made on Minneapolis radio station KDWB, claiming that “everything is cool” and that their breakup was not “a bad situation. Infidelity, cheating or deceit played no part in our relationship or our break-up, and I hope that people respect our privacy as we move forward with our lives.”

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