Terrence J awatoa machozi wazungu kwa picha za kumbukumbu za utumwa

Mtangazaji wa E! Entetainment TV ya Marekani Terrence J hivi karibuni amewatoa machozi baadhi ya wazungu baada ya kutembelea kituo cha kumbukumbu ya biashara ya watumwa Zanzibar na kupiga picha ambazo aliweka instagram.

Terence J akiwa na sanamu za watumwa Zanzibar
Terrence J kupitia instagram alisema: Emotional day visiting one of the last slave trading quarters in #Zanzibarjaybaddertho’ Impossible to fully put this experience into words,

Baada ya kauli hiyo ambayo iliambatana na picha, wadau mbalimbali wakiwemo wazungu walitoa maoni yao.

Brings tears to my eyes. It is important for all to remember. Regardless of color.. I can’t imagine treating another human this way. Over and over in history such horrific events occur and continue today.

OMG only the image brings tears to my eyes what horrible things we human race have done… 10h

I was there a few years ago. Really meaningful place.

Sickening to see what our ancestors went through.

Please don’t forget how the Africans first sold us to the white then maybe black hatred for one another can be halted. Black people tend to blame white folks for everything wrong in their home but should look within. They began the slave trade and they lost control is all. They couldn’t even unite to get that right

What a reminder. We need to show it to everyone who thinks they want to hurt a person…we’ve been through too much already. #BeenThroughEnoughAlready #StopTheViolence

Black people create universities and entertainment television to protect a race and culture. And I’m pretty sure that there are plenty PWIs and almost every television channel is white entertainment. Also Africa was not a cohesive nation there was plenty of languages and tribes that lived near each other but did not protect each other. They didn’t just sell their own people. But your right a lot of people were enslaved but not many were rooted from their homeland. And on top of that Europeans were usuallyRhodahall
The number of white European slaves is only a fraction of the trade that brought 10 million to 12 million black African slaves to the Americas over a 400-year period, historian Robert Davis says, but his research shows the slave trade was more widespread than commonly assumed.
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