I guess for most of you girls that have been fantasizing about living under one roof with Big Brother Africa, The Chase contestant from Tanzania, Ammy Nando as husband and wife or boyfriend and girlfriend, this is going to be your best news ever.

Ammy Nando is single and ready to mingle.
“Well I don’t have a girlfriend so I’m open. To all of them 18 and above….still young yoowww,” said Nando after I asked him on whether he is available and how he copes with the pressure from his female fans in Africa who are crazy about him.
“It’s crazy believe meee,” he says.
“Nope…only few when I have free time,” Nando said to explain if he has time to chat with his fans.
Inspite of all these beautiful girls chasing after him, Nando send this clear message:
Nahhhh am not ready for a relationship now…am about making that doe….let me be a millionaire first then I’ll choose later.”
Sorry ladies.