It is undeniable that glowing skin enhances your beauty. But glowing skin is also an indicator of good health; meaning you are beautiful inside and out. For some it’s genetics, but if you put in the right work now, you can look forward to a lovely countenance for years to come. And remember, you need the skin all over your body to glow, not just on your face! Here are 10 tips to help you get that glowing skin, courtesy of Reader’s Digest ( http://www.readersdigest.ca/health/clean-living/10-secrets-glowing-skin )
1. Avoid Long Steamy Showers
Instead, opt for shorter, cooler sprays. Long, hot showers strip the skin of its moisture and wash away its protective oils. So limit your showers to 10 minutes and keep the water cool.
2. Apply Aloe Vera Gel Daily
Smooth some aloe vera gel over extra dry skin everyday. The acids in aloe eat away at dead skin cells and speed up the healing process. Buy a pre-prepared product or cut the end off of an aloe leaf, split it open and spread the gel on the dry area.
3. Cook with Garlic Every Day
A 1996 Danish study found that skin cells grown in a culture dish and treated with garlic had seven times the lifespan of cells grown in standard culture. They also tended to look healthier and more youthful than untreated cells. Plus, garlic extract dramatically inhibited the growth of cancerous skin cells.
4. Drink Plenty of Orange Juice
Orange juice is rich in vitamin C, essential for the manufacture of collagen, which helps to keep the skin smooth and youthful. Other foods rich in vitamin C include guava, kiwi fruit and red peppers.
5. Exfoliate Every Day
Use a loofah every day to keep ingrown hairs and scaly skin under control. While you’re in the shower, gently scrub bumpy or scaly skin with a circular motion to remove dead skin cells.
6. Take Multivitamins Daily
Many nutrients are vital to healthy skin, including vitamins C, A and B. The most reliable way to get them all is to eat healthily, as well as taking a daily supplement.
7. Keep Your Hands Off Your Face
Because your hands touch so many surfaces, they are a magnet for dirt and germs. Rub your eyes, stroke your chin, cup your cheek, and you’ve transferred everything on your hands to your face. As an extension of this, use headphones or a headset when talking on the phone.
8. Change Your Moisturizer Every Season
Every time the seasons change, replace your moisturizer. Your skin needs more moisture in the dry months, and less during the rainy season. When you swap your coats for t-shirts, switch to a lighter one.
9. Get Rid of Excess Oil
De-shine your face by periodically dabbing on loose powder to blot excess oil. Don’t use pressed powder, which actually contains oil as an ingredient.
10. Choose Cosmetics Carefully
Keep your beauty products simple, particularly if you have sensitive skin. Stay away from anything with colour or fragrance, or anything that produces bubbles or has ‘antibacterial’ on the label.