11 Things a man only does if he is serious about you

“I love you, I need you oh baby, oh baby”… If a man tells you that on your first encounter don’t think twice, run for the hills! He probably just wants to hit that and then bolt! There are those things a guy who wants to casually sleep with you will say and do. And then there are those things a guy who wants to be with you for the long haul will do. Below  are those things.
1- He will talk to you about his future plans-career, relationship etc- openly and will often keep you in the loop.
2- He will have long meaningful conversations with you on the phone as you get to know each other.
3- He will enjoy your company and therefore will always plan ahead with you so that you both create time to give each other your undivided attention.
4-He always returns your calls and texts and will always clarify a missed call.
5- He will check with you often and ask to be kept in the loop with things that you’ve mentioned matter to you.
6- He will offer to help you with things like moving house, garage issues and car problems because he understands cars much better.
7-He will remember most of things you’ve talked about.
8-He will find random reasons to call you like “I just wanted to hear your voice today”
9-He will be sensitive to your feelings and will show you that he respects you. You will never find him checking out your friends and will never ask you to hook your friends up with his friends.
10-He will be interested in your future and your career.
Couple enjoying dinner
11-He will be proud to be seen with you in public and will even hold your hand when walking together.
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